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> Dedicated to pfQuizzz software.
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★ Welcome to "pfQuizzz Community Forum" (read first)

Post by fips »

Welcome! This forum is dedicated to pfQuizzz, which is a freeware vocabulary trainer for PC, PDA & Mobile. Feel free to discuss here anything related to this piece of software.

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Re: Welcome to the pfQuizzz Community Forum!

Post by vselja »

Hi, I use PFQUIZZZ 5 mins a day just after arriving at work and it's amazing!!! I memorize my English vocabulary in this way and I feel I'm getting better..
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Re: Welcome to the pfQuizzz Community Forum!

Post by fips »

That's great news! I'm really happy that you find pfQuizzz useful.

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Post by William1 »

I am so happy to hear that you're dedicated to the pfQuizzz program, That's great.!!! Very useful Forum for me, Thanks for Post.
Last edited by William1 on Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Welcome to the pfQuizzz Community Forum!

Post by Robert6 »

Hi this is very interesting to use.I m very happy.I want to work on it.
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Re: Welcome to the pfQuizzz Community Forum!

Post by fips »

Thanks Guys for your interest! FipS
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Re: Welcome to the pfQuizzz Community Forum!

Post by Ubiquity »

Thanks for this great little program. I "came accross" it when searching for educational software in the public domain. The sample files are imaginative and I would encourage all users to think of more. I have some friends in the Philippines some of whom need to practice English vocabulary, but equally I need to practice Tagalog and this little tool should give me that opportunity. Additionally some of my friends are not particularly computer literate so I will be making some files to help them memorize: computer terms; common keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + C etc.; and perhaps the location of certain menu items in applications. I shall apply my mind to other possible uses. At the moment I dont have a suitable place to store files to share but if there is sufficient interest perhaps I can organise one.
My native language is English and I shall try to think of ways to share more English language words, phrases and grammatical rules. If others have the time and inclination I would be interested in "dabbling" in Tagalog, Spanish and French - so if anyone's native language is one of these they might like to create and share a few files.
Although I see there may be a few technical challenges on various platforms I think this little application has some great potential.

Anything I develop will be announced in this forum so if I am able I will share them through email.

Once again thanks!

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Re: Welcome to the pfQuizzz Community Forum!

Post by fips »

Hi Paul,

I'm really happy to hear from you. It is great to learn that there are people like you around who try to spread education, and the best thing about it is that you have chosen pfQuizzz for that purpose. It really keeps me motivated when working on projects like this.

Best luck and thanks for your effort,
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