Spaced repetition algorithm ?

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Spaced repetition algorithm ?

Post by kilele »

I've just installed this program and seems verty useful.
Is pfqizzz based on some spaced repetition algorithm ?
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Re: Spaced repetition algorithm ?

Post by fips »


pfQuizzz doesn't use any sophisticated Spaced Repetition algorithm. The current algorithm is based on a very simple idea: If you make a mistake, the program randomly schedules this question again between the remaining ones (this step might occur multiple times even within the same question). So basically, the unit finishes at the exact moment when you have correctly answered all the questions.

Hope it's useful,
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Re: Spaced repetition algorithm ?

Post by kilele »

What I like the most of this program is its lean and elegant GUI and ease of editing files right away with notepad. I'll give it a try, thanks.
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Re: Spaced repetition algorithm ?

Post by fips »

I'm very pleased you like pfQuizzz. And yes, the main design idea behind the program is to keep it as simple as possible yet powerful in its purpose.
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Re: Spaced repetition algorithm ?

Post by mahi »

Multi-line questions. Sometimes question sentences are quite long, so the question box needs to support automatic line expansion to show the whole question (currently only a single line is presented). Moreover, with addition of a special line breaker let's say <br>, it would be possible to format questions in a complex way.
Last edited by mahi on Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spaced repetition algorithm ?

Post by fips »

Hi Mahi,

Thanks for you feedback. I agree that it would be convenient to have a special line breaker to allow better formatting. Although I haven't release a new version of pfQuizzz for some time as I find it more or less finalized, I should consider making at least one more update to address minor issues like this one. Hopefully I'll find some spare time soon.

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