View Chinese/Cyrillic

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View Chinese/Cyrillic

Post by shanghai »


Thank you for pfQuizzz! Very useful soft!

But there are problem to view Chinese and Russian letters.

f.e. I input the word "检查" but when I close the Word file and then re-open
there is I can only see "????"


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Re: View Chinese/Cyrillic

Post by fips »

Hi Oleg,

Thanks for your report. I'll try to look into the problem soon. It's really important for me that pfQuizzz can work correctly with any character set...

Could you please help me a bit by providing more information:

(1) What version of pfQuizzz are you running? (Windows Mobile or Desktop)

(2) I'm also curious if pfQuizzz can show the problematic words correctly after you have saved the Word file? (or are there also "????" characters much like when you re-open the Word file).

Thanks for your help,
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