When it comes to rapid prototyping, Python is the go-to tool for me these days. It's fully equipped, very expressive and portable across desktop and even mobile platforms/iOS, so it represents a perfect fit for writing all kinds of small tools and applications, especially when productivity counts and raw performance does not matter that much.
Although writing the application back end in Python tends to be pretty straightforward, the real challenge arises when it comes to the UI front end. One can choose between various cross-platform toolkits like TkInter, Qt or wxPython, or use a direct binding to the native UI on the given platform.
For the best user experience, I prefer to use what is native to the target platform with a fallback to a cross-platform UI toolkit for maximum portability. This gives one great flexibility, however, maintaining multiple UI front ends introduces some verbosity, code duplication and mental overhead due to the different UI idioms imposed by the frameworks.
This made me think what would be the best way to help me reduce the amount of UI-specific code to a bare minimum in order to simplify the maintenance and also make the whole experience somewhat more pythonic. So eventually, I've come up with a simple declarative UI layout engine, which allows to define a tree of UI meta elements that then gets transformed into the final layout. The transformation is based on a couple of simple rules (captured in the internal nodes), which control the layout. This can be directly expressed in Python like this:
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Border(margin=Margin(6, 6, 6, 6), children=[
Border(margin=Margin(0, 0, 0, 4), children=[
make_button(self, "Question:", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
make_button(self, "<...multi-line-text...>", stretch=Vec2(1, 1)),
make_button(self, "Hint:", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
make_button(self, "<...multi-line-text...>", stretch=Vec2(1, 1)),
make_button(self, "Answer:", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
make_button(self, "<...text...>", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
VStack(stretch=Vec2(1, 0), children=[
HStack(stretch=Vec2(1, 0), children=[
make_button(self, "Browse >", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
make_button(self, "Test >", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
HStack(stretch=Vec2(1, 0), children=[
make_button(self, "Graph >", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
make_button(self, "Setup >", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
make_button(self, "About >", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
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def make_button(parent, title, stretch):
btn = QPushButton(title, parent)
return Elem(btn, min_size=Vec2(*btn.size().toTuple()), stretch=stretch)
The engine itself (in its current state) uses just two parameters 'min_size' and 'stretch' to control the layout. 'min_size' defines the minimum size under which the element cannot be collapsed, 'stretch' tells whether the element is fixed or flexible in size. So far these two parameters have enabled me to express quite complex layouts so I haven't needed to extend the engine any further, it's still just a proof of concept though, consisting of just a little above 100 lines of code, which is pretty encouraging I would say. Here it is:
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#!/usr/bin/env python
#[DECLARATIVE UI LAYOUT ENGINE, URL: http://forums.4fips.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6896]
from collections import namedtuple
Vec2 = namedtuple("Vec2", "x y")
Rect = namedtuple("Rect", "x y w h")
Margin = namedtuple("Margin", "l t r b")
class Layout(object):
def __init__(self, children, min_size=Vec2(0, 0), stretch=Vec2(1, 1)):
self.children = children
self.min_size = min_size
self.stretch = stretch
self.exp_size = None # product of expand()
self.rect = None # product of parent's layout()
def reshape(self, rect):
def expand(self):
for ch in self.children:
def layout(self, rect):
for ch in self.children:
def spread(target_size, size_stretch_pairs):
sizes, stretches = zip(*size_stretch_pairs)
fixed_size = sum(sz for sz in sizes)
flexy_size = max(0, target_size - fixed_size)
num_flexy_parts = sum(st for st in stretches)
flexy_add = flexy_size // num_flexy_parts if num_flexy_parts else 0
flexy_adds = [st * flexy_add for st in stretches]
flexy_err = flexy_size - sum(flexy_adds)
if flexy_err: # distribute the rounding error introduced by fixed-point division
flexy_adds[[idx for idx, st in enumerate(stretches) if st][-1]] += flexy_err
return [sum(sz_fa) for sz_fa in zip(sizes, flexy_adds)]
class Elem(Layout):
def __init__(self, widget, min_size=Vec2(0, 0), stretch=Vec2(1, 1)):
super(Elem, self).__init__([], min_size, stretch)
widget.meta_elem = self
self.widget = widget
def expand_children(self):
self.exp_size = self.min_size
def layout_children(self, rect):
class Border(Layout):
def __init__(self, children, min_size=Vec2(0, 0), stretch=Vec2(1, 1), margin=Margin(0, 0, 0, 0)):
super(Border, self).__init__(children, min_size, stretch)
self.margin = margin
def expand_children(self):
w, h = self.margin.l + self.margin.r, self.margin.t + self.margin.b
for ch in self.children:
w = max(w, ch.exp_size.x)
h = max(h, ch.exp_size.y)
self.exp_size = Vec2(w, h)
def layout_children(self, rect):
l, t, r, b, = self.margin
for ch in self.children:
ch.rect = Rect(rect.x + l, rect.y + t, rect.w - l - r, rect.h - t - b)
class VStack(Layout):
def __init__(self, children, min_size=Vec2(0, 0), stretch=Vec2(1, 1)):
super(VStack, self).__init__(children, min_size, stretch)
def expand_children(self):
w, h = 0, 0
for ch in self.children:
w = max(w, ch.exp_size.x)
h += ch.exp_size.y
self.exp_size = Vec2(w, h)
def layout_children(self, rect):
x, y = rect.x, rect.y
ch_heights = Layout.spread(rect.h, [(ch.exp_size.y, ch.stretch.y) for ch in self.children])
for ch, h in zip(self.children, ch_heights):
w = rect.w if ch.stretch.x else ch.exp_size.x
ch.rect = Rect(x, y, w, h)
y += h
class HStack(Layout):
def __init__(self, children, min_size=Vec2(0, 0), stretch=Vec2(1, 1)):
super(HStack, self).__init__(children, min_size, stretch)
def expand_children(self):
w, h = 0, 0
for ch in self.children:
w += ch.exp_size.x
h = max(h, ch.exp_size.y)
self.exp_size = Vec2(w, h)
def layout_children(self, rect):
x, y = rect.x, rect.y
ch_widths = Layout.spread(rect.w, [(ch.exp_size.x, ch.stretch.x) for ch in self.children])
for ch, w in zip(self.children, ch_widths):
h = rect.h if ch.stretch.y else ch.exp_size.y
ch.rect = Rect(x, y, w, h)
x += w
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#!/usr/bin/env python
#[DECLARATIVE UI LAYOUT ENGINE, URL: http://forums.4fips.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6896]
from layout import Vec2, Rect, Margin, Elem, Border, VStack, HStack
import sys
from PySide.QtCore import *
from PySide.QtGui import *
def make_button(parent, title, stretch):
btn = QPushButton(title, parent)
return Elem(btn, min_size=Vec2(*btn.size().toTuple()), stretch=stretch)
class MainWindow(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent)
self.setWindowTitle("LAYOUT DEMO BY FIPS @ 4FIPS.COM 2016")
self.resize(600, 480)
def setup(self):
self.meta_layout = \
Border(margin=Margin(6, 6, 6, 6), children=[
Border(margin=Margin(0, 0, 0, 4), children=[
make_button(self, "Question:", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
make_button(self, "<...multi-line-text...>", stretch=Vec2(1, 1)),
make_button(self, "Hint:", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
make_button(self, "<...multi-line-text...>", stretch=Vec2(1, 1)),
make_button(self, "Answer:", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
make_button(self, "<...text...>", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
VStack(stretch=Vec2(1, 0), children=[
HStack(stretch=Vec2(1, 0), children=[
make_button(self, "Browse >", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
make_button(self, "Test >", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
HStack(stretch=Vec2(1, 0), children=[
make_button(self, "Graph >", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
make_button(self, "Setup >", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
make_button(self, "About >", stretch=Vec2(1, 0)),
def resizeEvent(self, event):
self.meta_layout.reshape(Rect(0, 0, *event.size().toTuple()))
for ch in self.children():
def main():
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
win = MainWindow()
return app.exec_()
if __name__ == "__main__":