Yet another glOrtho, glFrustum & gluPerspective (OpenGL)

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Yet another glOrtho, glFrustum & gluPerspective (OpenGL)

Post by fips »

I've done a little bit of clean-up in my OpenGL projection routines and put the resulting source code here (see below). You might find it handy if you are looking for a replacement for glOrtho, glFrustum or gluPerspective, especially if you've just switched from the fixed to programmable graphics pipeline and found out that these routines are not available any more.


glOrtho() equivalent:

Code: Select all

template <typename T>
inline Matrix4<T> make_ortho(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T znear, T zfar)
    // from OpenGL spec PDF:                                 can be rewritten as:
    // / 2/(r-l)     0        0       -(r+l)/(r-l)  \        / 2/(r-l)     0        0      (r+l)/(l-r)  \
    // |   0      2/(t-b)     0       -(t+b)/(t-b)  |   =>   |   0      2/(t-b)     0      (t+b)/(b-t)  |
    // |   0         0     -2/(f-n)   -(f+n)/(f-n)  |        |   0         0     2/(n-f)   (f+n)/(n-f)  |
    // \   0         0        0             1       /        \   0         0        0           1       /
    // invalid for: l=r, b=t, or n=f

    FS_ASSERT(left != right);
    FS_ASSERT(bottom != top);
    FS_ASSERT(znear != zfar);

    const T p_fn = zfar + znear;
    const T m_nf = znear - zfar; // ~ -m_fn

    const T p_rl = right + left;
    const T m_rl = right - left;
    const T p_tb = top + bottom;
    const T m_tb = top - bottom;

    const T m_lr = -m_rl;
    const T m_bt = -m_tb;

    return Matrix4<T>(
     T(2)/m_rl,    T(0),       T(0),     p_rl/m_lr,
       T(0),     T(2)/m_tb,    T(0),     p_tb/m_bt,
       T(0),       T(0),     T(2)/m_nf,  p_fn/m_nf,
       T(0),       T(0),       T(0),       T(1)
glFrustum() equivalent:

Code: Select all

template <typename T> 
inline Matrix4<T> make_frustum(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T znear, T zfar)
    // from OpenGL spec PDF:                                     can be rewritten as:
    // /  2n/(r-l)    0        (r+l)/(r-l)       0      \        /  2n/(r-l)    0        (r+l)/(r-l)       0      \
    // |     0     2n/(t-b)    (t+b)/(t-b)       0      |   =>   |     0     2n/(t-b)    (t+b)/(t-b)       0      |
    // |     0        0       -(f+n)/(f-n)  -2fn/(f-n)  |        |     0        0        (f+n)/(n-f)   2fn/(n-f)  |
    // \     0        0            -1            0      /        \     0        0            -1            0      /
    // invalid for: n<=0, f<=0, l=r, b=t, or n=f

    FS_ASSERT(znear > T(0));
    FS_ASSERT(zfar > T(0));
    FS_ASSERT(left != right);
    FS_ASSERT(bottom != top);
    FS_ASSERT(znear != zfar);

    const T x_2n = znear + znear;
    const T x_2nf = T(2) * znear * zfar;

    const T p_fn = zfar + znear;
    const T m_nf = znear - zfar; // ~ -m_fn

    const T p_rl = right + left;
    const T m_rl = right - left;
    const T p_tb = top + bottom;
    const T m_tb = top - bottom;

    return Matrix4<T>(
     x_2n/m_rl,    T(0),     p_rl/m_rl,    T(0),
       T(0),     x_2n/m_tb,  p_tb/m_tb,    T(0),
       T(0),       T(0),     p_fn/m_nf,  x_2nf/m_nf,
       T(0),       T(0),       T(-1),      T(0)
gluPerspective() equivalent:

Code: Select all

template <typename T> 
inline Matrix4<T> make_perspective(T fovy_deg, T aspect, T znear, T zfar)
    // from OpenGL spec PDF:                             can be rewritten as:
    // /    c/a    0        0            0       \       /    c/a    0         0           0      \
    // |     0     c        0            0       |  ==>  |     0     c         0           0      |
    // |     0     0   -(f+n)/(f-n)  -2nf/(f+n)  |       |     0     0    (f+n)/(n-f)  2nf/(n-f)  |
    // \     0     0       -1            0       /       \     0     0        -1           0      /

    FS_ASSERT(znear > T(0));
    FS_ASSERT(zfar > T(0));
    FS_ASSERT(aspect != T(0));
    FS_ASSERT(znear != zfar);

    const T half_fovy_rad = T(M_PI) * fovy_deg / T(360);

    const auto si_co = sin_cos(half_fovy_rad);
    const T si = si_co.first;
    const T co = si_co.second;
    FS_ASSERT(si != T(0));

    const T c = co / si; // cotangent
    const T a = aspect;

    const T x_2nf = T(2) * znear * zfar;
    const T p_fn = zfar + znear;
    const T m_nf = znear - zfar;

    return Matrix4<T>(
     c/a,    T(0),     T(0),       T(0),
     T(0),    c,       T(0),       T(0),
     T(0),   T(0),  p_fn/m_nf,  x_2nf/m_nf,
     T(0),   T(0),     T(-1),      T(0)